"The Triune God"
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In Isaiah 34:16, it clearly states that we have to seek and read the whole counsel of the Book of the Word of God, which is the Bible. Not one verse should be missing. For each verses is a mate of another verse. It should not contradict each other. For example, in one verse Jesus may claim that He is the Son of God, but in John 1:1 and in the whole chapter one it also says that He is the Word of God who became flesh, and that very Word is God Himself and we behold His glory as the only begotten of the Father. If we only consider that Jesus is just the "Son", how can we reconciled both verses? It only says that Jesus is the Son, and yet He is also the Father. Also another evidence on that is in Isaiah 48:12 , Isaiah 44:6, Isaiah 43:10 and Isaiah 41:4 , four times that God claimed that He is the first and the last. Similarly, Jesus also claimed that He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, 4 times in the Book of Revelation (Revelations 22:13, 1:8, 1:11, 1:17) . Yet how can He be both is a mystery to us that we cannot explain. But that is also not a problem. Deuteronomy 29:29 says that God will only explains the matters of things to us that He wanted us to know and that most likely pertains to our life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47). So with that said, there should never be a question of doctrine. God wants us to have an attitude of
a child that only accepts every single word that God speaks. When I say the Word, the only truth that we have to accept is the WHOLE COUNSEL of the Infallible Word of God.. The Bible is clear that if a man shall take away from the Book of this prophecy, God shall take away His part out of the Book of life. (Revelations 22:19). Also, what is true in the physical is also true in spiritual. A man can both be a son to his father and a father to his own son at the same time. Same with God because we are created according to His own image and likeness. Same way also, Jesus can play the role of the Father and the Son at the same time. To add to that, Jesus is the Son of God because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He is also a son of man because He is born out of a woman. There is no point of question.Another thing is the first mention of the Trinity of God is in Genesis 1:26, when He say LET US make man in OUR own image and likeness. If we are created in the image and likeness of God, that only means that we are also a trinity. Have you know that man also is Trinity? Let us reason 1 Thessalonians 5:23, " And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole SPIRIT, SoUL and BODY be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Same way God is Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the soul who dwell in Man, and Jesus is the Body. That is no doubt. Also, a man could be a father, a son, and a brother at the same time if he have siblings. That is why when we are adopted to the family of God, we are called the brothers of Jesus. Do you not want that? That Jesus can play so many roles in our lives. He could be our Father because He is the Word that made us (John 1:3), and a brother because He is born of God and the first born among many brothers (Romans 8:29). The Bible also says that He could be our friend (John 15:15), for a son can also be a friend to another person and our brother could be our best friend. There is no point of question. This is what we called faith.
Also, the authors of the the Bible are 50plus persons from different timeline of generations, but Isaiah 34:16 says that the word of God was inspired, gathered and preserved by the Holy Spirit so we shouldn't doubt it. This is also faith. Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the assurance of things we hope for and evidence of what we do not see. Are you a man of faith?
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